Jacob Nansinguza - Medical Illustration & Editorial Design Professional
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Mini Portfolio - Illustrations & Visual Communication Products

The Oxford Dictionary defines Communication as "The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium". Visual communication on the other hand, is the conveyance of information and ideas using symbols and imagery.
It must however be appreciated that the effectiveness of communication itself has a lot to do with the art of presentation, and for visual communication, the quality of the visual material and an understanding of how learning happens.
Visual communication is a very unique concept because, it is one of the ingrained elements in the human cognitive architecture. It would therefore, be commendable to utilize the power of visuals to enhance communication.
Visual communication fosters learning better than other types of communication in light of how our human brains work. Images are recollected by the "long-term memory" part of the brain, vis-a-vis written word alone - stored in the brain's short-term memory.
If I may use a quote by Herbert A. Simon - Nobel Laureate, and University Professor(deceased) at Carnegie Mellon University, "Learning results from what the student does and thinks and only from what the student does and thinks. The teacher can advance learning only by influencing what the student does to learn."
From the quote above, it is imperative that people in the teaching business consider how the learning process happens.