Is Visualizing a message really of any value?

well, allow me start this off with a quote from Fred R. Barnard “People often say 'A picture is worth a thousand words...' I do certainly assent to this concept because, visualizing an idea demystifies it in away that allows the recipient to understand it more vividly than would be otherwise.
What a hell is a Picture anyway?
A picture is simply a painting or drawing.
Keep this in mind as it will elucidate the next phase of the discussion.
Pictures, Art, Visual communication draw from some of the earliest recorded history of ancient civilizations such as; The Aztec, Maya, Inca, Egyptian civilization and their hieroglyphs so on. Pictures have had a very profound history with human civilization.
All the major historic visual communication changes have had an impact on society in their own rights. From Byzantine, Greco-Roman era...Renaissance to the modern society, Humans have utilized this power of imagery to enhance communication of their ideas and concepts. (Anachronism is expected)
Even in the contemporary society, the power of imagery cannot be overlooked. It goes without doubt that, the world today spends huge sums of money on would pause to ask a question like, "Is it really worth the expenditure?"
The answer to this question varies a lot however, I am personally convinced that, as Albert Einstein was absolutely right when he said that "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
I am lead to believe, unless otherwise, that companies have been advertising and exponentially growing their advertising budgets and I am also privy to management discipline to level that, even I understand that insane individuals do not make good company managers. There must be a logical explanation for this phenomena. If advertising doesn't accrue to the advertiser, it would be shear insanity for an advertiser to advertise year-in-year-out?
Are they insane? I don't think so. Company managers have come to grips with the value of communication. How you get people to pay attention to your brand amid many others is all about the art involved in effective communication.
Whereas the Oxford Dictionary defines Communication as "The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium" however, the effectiveness of communication itself has a lot to do with the art employed to that effect.
Visual communication is a very unique concept because, it is one of the ingrained elements in the human cognitive architecture. Its therefore not such n outlandish idea to utilize the power of imagery in communication, as long as humans are part of the equation.