Is African Leadership Devoid of Accountability & Democracy?
African Politics have been, in some way, merely reduced to a game of plundering the country and leaving it helpless and later on, seeking asylum else where scot-free. Its prudent that the future of Africans be well respected and deeply reflected upon. While I am grateful for the African Leaders that have lifted their countries economically, in the same vein, I deeply think that leaders who have left their countries in shambles "MUST" be prosecuted rather than leave scot-free.
Its not enough for a president to merely resign after inflicting an irreversible damage onto the country, while the world looks on. Every penny of currency squandered implies a livelihood lost. And I think, Offshore Investments and Safe heavens are part of the problem.
Lets not be hoodwinked by these negotiated resignations as though they are the best deal we will ever get.
If we are to draw from a recent example of Gambia, former President Yahya Jammey had to be negotiated out of his defiance. Other examples where democracy has been on trial and where accountability for African Leaders has been met with insurmountable resistance, don't need special expertise to cite.
Where is the African Union when we need it most? Shall we ever have genuine accountability for Leadership in Africa? Has the African Dream died some sort of death? Why is it so hard to build capacity for our countries and more specifically-political capacity?
One thing is for sure, a lasting solution to all this africanised overstay in power and amendment of the constitution to have a Head of State extend their mandate- most times against the will of the people, will get us nowhere.
We must get back to our senses and respect our constitutions and, as a fairly young democracies, adhere to or institute Term and Age Limits for our leaders especially presidents. The world Bank report "Can Africa Claim the 21st Century" conditionally assents that Yes, Africa can, but in the same vein, highlights pertinent issues that might hinder us doing just that.
It is indubitable that power corrupts, and for us to think that a president's benevolence devoid of checks and balances is a vehicle perfect enough to steer a country forward, is a fallacy that is deeply deplorable in our time. We cannot afford to have the same erroneous thing happen on a different day played by different characters, while we claiming holistic progress and development on the continent.